"The Black King" by Kelson, George M.

Author Kelson, George M.
Book The Salmon Fly
Book Edition N/A
Page 116
"SPECIAL NOTE. This is one of the old standard flies on the Spey. For full particulars see the " Green King."
Tags spey,


  • Body: Three turns orange, black Berlin wool
  • Rib: Narrow gold (from far side), silver (from near side), wound reverse
  • Hackle: Black Spey-cock, wound from the root, over the ribs
  • Throat: One turn Teal
  • Wing: Two strips of light brown mottled Mallard.

Original material

As written in the book:

BODY. Orange Berlin wool (three turns) followed by black wool (short).
RIBS. From far side gold tinsel (narrow), from near side silver tinsel (same size) both wound the reverse way, an equal distance apart.
HACKLE. From end of body, a black Spey-cock hackle, but wound from the root instead of from the point, in the usual direction, thus crossing over the ribs at each turn given.
THROAT. Teal, one turn only.
WINGS. Two strips of light brown mottled Mallard.