"Gordon Cumming" by Kelson, George M.

Author Kelson, George M.
Book The Salmon Fly
Book Edition N/A
Page 160
Tags gordon,


  • Tag: Silver twist, red silk
  • Tail: Two toppings
  • Butt: Black herl
  • Body: Yellow silk
  • Ribs: Silver lace, oval silver
  • Hackle: Light blue, from second turn
  • Throat: Blue Jay
  • Wings: Golden Pheasant tippet, Golden Pheasant red breast. Teal, light mottled Turkey. Mallard, two Golden Pheasant toppings
  • Sides: Yellow, red and blue Swan, married
  • Horns: Blue Macaw

Original material

As written in the book:

TAG. Silver twist and red silk.
TAIL. Two toppings.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Yellow silk.
RIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. A light blue hackle, from second turn.
WINGS. A tippet backed with red breast of Golden Pheasant, veiled with Teal, light mottled Turkey ; Mallard and two toppings.
SIDES. Swan dyed, yellow, red, and blue (married).
HORNS. Blue Macaw.