
You will find most of the books in this list readily available on - follow the link on each book page to download.

Title Author Patterns
A Book on Angling Francis, Francis 141
A Handbook of Angling Fitzgibbon, Edward
Autumns on the Spey Knox, Arthur Edward 16
Catalogue - Trout, Salmon and Lit Mustad 339
How to Dress Salmon Flies Pryce-Tannatt, Thomas Edwin 98
How to Tie Salmon Flies Hale, J.H 40
Jones's Guide to Norway Tolfrey, Frederick 62
North-Country flies Pritt, Thomas Evan 3
Patterns by John Sand Sand, John 92
Sale Cards - flies Mustad 97
The Art of Angling Blacker, William 117
The Art of Fly Making Blacker, William
The Book of the Salmon Fitzgibbon, Edward
The Salmon Fly Kelson, George M. 240
The fishing gazette: On the description of salmon flies, Major Traherne's Patterns Kelson, George M. 18
    Total: 1263 patterns

The insight shows statistics on what is most/least used and various insights into the material for this selection.

Authors 11
Books 15
Patterns 1263
Pattern materials 6091
Average materials per pattern 4
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Least used material
Most used type
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Most used color
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