"Rocke's Fancy" by Kelson, George M.

Author Kelson, George M.
Book The Salmon Fly
Book Edition N/A
Page 202
"An old standard on the Usk and kills well in the Wye"
Tags rocke, usk, wye,


  • Tag: Silver twist, blue silk
  • Tail: Golden Pheasant sword
  • Butt: Black herl
  • Body: Yellow silk
  • Ribs: Oval silver
  • Hackle: Yellow, from third turn
  • Throat: Red Macaw
  • Wings: Two broad strips of yellow Macaw, Golden Pheasant topping
  • Cheeks: Chatterer

Original material

As written in the book:

TAG. Silver twist and blue silk.
TAIL. Golden Pheasant sword (point).
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Yellow silk.
RIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Yellow hackle, from third turn.
THROAT. Red Macaw.
WINGS. Two broad strips of yellow Macaw, and a topping.
CHEEKS. Chatterer.