"The Summer Duck" by Kelson, George M.

Author Kelson, George M.
Book The Salmon Fly
Book Edition N/A
Page 212
"Tied in sizes varying from No. 4/0 to 7/0, this is a favourite high water fly on the Sundal. (Courtney, Killarney)."
Tags daly, sundal, courtney, killarney,


  • Tag: Silver twist, yellow Seal's fur
  • Tail: Two Golden Pheasant red breast feathers back to back
  • Butt: Black herl
  • Body: 1/4 light orange, 1/4 dark orange, 1/2 dark claret Seal's fur
  • Ribs: Oval silver, oval gold
  • Hackle: Dark claret, from center
  • Throat: Blue
  • Wings: Two Golden Pheasant red breast feathers, back to back, to tag, Peacock herl (main part of wing), Golden Pheasant tail, red Macaw, Golden Pheasant topping.
  • Sides: Summer Duck feather, to center of body
  • Head: Black wool

Original material

As written in the book:

TAG. Silver twist and yellow Seal's fur.
TAIL. Two red-breasts of Golden Pheasant (back to back).
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Light and dark orange (half way) followed by dark claret Seal's fur.
RIBS. Silver and gold tinsels (oval).
HACKLE. A dark claret hackle, from centre.
THROAT. Blue hackle.
WINGS. Two red-breasts of Golden Pheasant (back to back) reaching tag, Peacock herl (principally), Golden Pheasant tail, red Macaw, and a topping: veiled, to centre of body, with a Summer Duck feather on each side.
HEAD. Black wool.