"Silver Speal" by Knox, Arthur Edward

Author Knox, Arthur Edward
Book Autumns on the Spey
Book Edition N/A
Page 68
Tags salmon, spey, riverspey, silver,


  • Hook: Large
  • Body: Black berlin wool
  • Rib: Very broad silver tinsel, flat. Two or three turns, fine gold between silver rib
  • Hackle: Red cock hackle, very soft,
  • Wing: Mallard.

Original material

As written in the book:

Same as above, but the flat tinsel is of silver and the beading between the bars of gold.

Note, above: Is generally on a large hook. Body black, with only two or three turns of very broad gold flat tinsel and with a single turn of fine silver beading between the bars of the tinsel. Red cock hackle, very soft, taken from the tail coverts of the bird. Wing, mallard.

Long material list

Part Material Type Color
Other Other Wool - Berlin Black      
Rib Tinsel - Flat
Very broad
Between rib
Hackle Chicken - Cock
Latin: Gallus gallus domesticus
Very soft
Red - Dark      
Wing Mallard
Latin: Anas platyrhynchos
Feather - Shoulder Natural

Materials in pattern

We are working on getting more images to cover all parts.

Pattern pictures

By: Håvard Eide - http://eide.org/