"The Black Creeper" by Kelson, George M.

Author Kelson, George M.
Book The Salmon Fly
Book Edition N/A
Page 114
"Earn and Usk, and upper waters of the Beauly."
Tags grub, kelson, earn, usk, beauly,


  • Tag: Silver twist, light blue silk
  • Tail: Ibis and powdered blue Macaw in strands
  • Butt: Natural black hackle, cheeked with Chatterer
  • Body: Black chenille. Joint separator: Natural black hackle, cheeked with Chatter
  • Front Hackle: Natural black, cheeked with Chatterer

Original material

As written in the book:

TAG. Silver twist and light blue silk.
TAIL. Ibis, and powdered blue Macaw mixed in strands.
BUTT. No. 1 hackle natural black; cheeked with Chatterer.
BODY. Black chenille, No. 2 hackle, in centre of body and cheeked as before, No. 3 hackle, a still larger natural black, and cheeked as before.

Pattern pictures

By: Håvard Eide - https://flyfisher.org

Variation: No macaw in tail. Substiute: Ibis with Swan, Chatterer with Kingfisher, Chenille with Seals fur dubbing