"The Blue-over-black" by Kelson, George M.

Author Kelson, George M.
Book The Salmon Fly
Book Edition N/A
Page 120
"This fly, now known by the above name, was invented in the 'forties' for the Usk. It is a capital fly in dirty water, and was originally called 'William Bass' after a bass singer and chimney sweeper residing then at Sevenoaks."
Tags kelson, usk,


  • Tag: Silver twist, pink silk
  • Tail: Red Toucan undertail, yellow Macaw, powdered blue Macaw and Guinea in strands
  • Body: Two turns scarlet silk, black Seal's fur
  • Rib: Silver and silver lace
  • Hackle: Dark blue coch-a-bonddu from second turn
  • Wing: Two strips of white tip Turkey, Golden Pheasant tail and Peacock herl mixed in strands, Mallard
  • Sides: Teal

Original material

As written in the book:

TAG. Silver twist and pink silk.
TAIL. Red Toucan (from undertail), yellow Macaw, powdered blue Macaw, and Gallina, in strands.
BODY. Two turns scarlet silk and black Seal's fur.
RIBS. Silver tinsel and silver lace.
HACKLE. A white coch-a-bonddu dyed dark blue, from second turn.
WINGS. Two strips Turkey showing white tips, Golden Pheasant tail and Peacock herl mixed together in strands, and Mallard.
SIDES. Teal.