"The Dunt" by Kelson, George M.

Author Kelson, George M.
Book The Salmon Fly
Book Edition N/A
Page 144
"Mr. Murdoch writes: There is not a better all-round fly of the plain sort than the Dunt put upon the Dee in Spring or Autumn."
Tags murdoch, tay, dee,


  • Tag: Silver twist, light blue silk
  • Tail: Golden Pheasant topping, Teal
  • Body: Yellow, orange and red-claret Seal's fur
  • Ribs: Silver lace, silver
  • Hackle: Black Heron from claret fur
  • Throat: Teal
  • Wings: Two strips of plain brown Turkey with black bars and white tips
  • Sides: Jungle Cock, short and drooping over throat

Original material

As written in the book:

TAG. Silver twist and light blue silk.
TAIL. A topping and Teal.
BODY. Yellow, orange, red-claret Seal's fur, in equal sections.
RIBS. Silver lace and silver tinsel.
HACKLE. Black Heron, from claret fur.
WINGS. Two strips of plain brown Turkey with black bars and white tips.
SIDES. Jungle, short and drooping over Throat hackle.