"The Heather Dog" by Kelson, George M.

Author Kelson, George M.
Book The Salmon Fly
Book Edition N/A
Page 166
"Salmon feed voraciously on a caterpillar (found on the hills in the North) when brought down by heavy rains. On those occasions, and for some days after, general standards fail, while this pattern, which some-what represents the living red and black striped insect itself is often effective."
Tags kelson, grub,


  • Tag: Silver twist
  • Tail: Yellow Macaw
  • Butt: Small furnace hackle dyed red, cheeked with Jungle Cock
  • Body: Alternate red and black chenille
  • Center Hackle: Red undertail of Toucan, cheeked with Jungle Cock
  • Front Hackle: Two turns of Teal dyed yellow, black Heron
  • Cheeks: Jungle Cock

Original material

As written in the book:

TAG. Silver twist (plenty).
TAIL. Yellow Macaw.
BUTT. Small furnace hackle dyed red (coiled), and cheeked with points of Jungle on each side.
BODY. Alternate coils of red and black chenille.
CENTRE HACKLE. Red undertail of Toucan, cheeked, as before, with Jungle.
HEAD-HACKLE. Two turns of Teal dyed yellow, and a black Heron hackle, cheeked with Jungle.