"Pitcroy Fancy" by Kelson, George M.

Author Kelson, George M.
Book The Salmon Fly
Book Edition N/A
Page 195
"A modern Spey standard."
Tags turnbull, spey,


  • Tag: Silver twist
  • Tail: Golden Pheasant topping and strands of tippet
  • Butt: Scarlet wool
  • Body: Silver
  • Ribs: Oval silver
  • Hackle: Grey Heron, from center
  • Throat: Guinea
  • Wings: Large strips of Golden Pheasant tippet, light mottled Turkey, Pintail, Mallard, Golden Pheasant topping
  • Sides: Jungle Cock
  • Head: Scarlet wool

Original material

As written in the book:

TAG. Silver twist.
TAIL. A topping and strands of tippet.
BUTT. Scarlet wool.
BODY. Silver tinsel.
RIBS. Silver tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Grey Heron, from centre.
THROAT. Gallina.
WINGS. Tippet (large strips), light mottled Turkey, Pintail, Mallard, and a topping.
SIDES. Jungle.
HEAD. Scarlet wool.