"The Killarney Pet" by Kelson, George M.

Author Kelson, George M.
Book The Salmon Fly
Book Edition N/A
Page 177
"One of the best patterns for the Suir."
Tags courtney, suir,


  • Tag: Gold twist, crimson silk
  • Tail: Golden Pheasant topping, Summer Duck, Golden Pheasant tippet strands
  • Butt: Black herl
  • Body: Light yellow, light orange silk
  • Ribs: Oval gold
  • Hackle: Blue Jay, from second turn
  • Throat: Light orange
  • Wings: Golden Pheasant tippet in strands, Golden Pheasant tail, Bustard, Summer Duck. Crimson, yellow, blue and orange Swan. Red Macaw, Mallard
  • Horns: Blue Macaw
  • Head: Black herl

Original material

As written in the book:

TAG. Gold twist and crimson silk.
TAIL. A topping, Summer Duck, and tippet strands.
BUTT. Black herl.
BODY. Light yellow silk, and light orange silk, equally divided.
RIBS. Gold tinsel (oval).
HACKLE. Jay, from second turn.
THROAT. Light orange hackle.
WINGS. Tippet (strands), Golden Pheasant tail, Bustard, Summer Duck, Swan dyed crimson, yellow, blue and orange; red Macaw, and Mallard.
HORNS. Blue Macaw.
HEAD. Black herl.